Grade 5 & 6 Numeracy

Nesrin Gocmen

Dear Parents/Guardians;

Welcome back to all students and parents. I hope you all have had a great summer break and are energised for the 2017 educational year. I will be teaching the Grades 5A/6A/6B Mathematics.

Students have received their books and homework booklets; along with their schedule. Most students have got back into routine and are submitting homework by the due date. Students in Grades Five and Six also have 10 Mathletics tasks to complete at home and school. The tasks should not take any longer than 10 minutes to complete. These tasks are set on Monday mornings; students have seven days in which to complete it. This does not mean that students should leave it for the weekend. Mathletics tasks should be finalised by Friday according to the homework schedule but two days extra are given. The following Monday, tasks will be checked by me. If students do not complete any homework it will be recorded onto Seqta. Please monitor your child with their homework.

Here are some tips for the Mathletics Program:

Parents and students can now download the Mathletics App onto their tablets, IPads and Smartphones. There is also a Mathletics Dictionary App that can be downloaded.

If you have any concerns or questions please don’t hesitate to see me.


Ms Nesrin Gocmen
Grade 5A/6A/6B Numeracy Teacher